Jun 15, 20234 min read
THE CASE FOR A BLACK FAMILY WELFARE ACT – K. Adeniyi, Esq. One of the most devastating collateral consequences that I experienced as a...
Children have a fundamental right to be raised by their parents. And parents have a fundamental right to raise their children.
We fight boldly to uphold these fundamental rights, preserve sacred family bonds, and minimize the trauma caused by family surveillance and separation.
Although we represent individual parents, we fight for the whole family.
Are you a parent or a caretaker of a child in California? Are you being investigated for child abuse or neglect?
If you answered yes to both questions click the link below to schedule a free consultation.
Are you a parent or a caretaker of a child in California? ​Has CPS filed a case against you and given you a date to appear in court?
If you answered yes to both questions click the link below to schedule a free consultation.
Are you a parent or a caretaker of a child in California? Was your family unlawfully separated? Was your child abused while in the foster system? Did your child suffer severe injury or death while in the system?
Click below to schedule a free consultation.
If this is an emergency and the social worker is currently at your door, remain calm and call or text: 949 209-5033 immediately.
In Emergency Call 949 209-5033
Keshia Adeniyi-Dorsey is a family defender, educator, and activist. For 10 years, Keshia has helped hundreds of individuals and families in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange County achieve positive legal outcomes.
She wins clients’ trust because she has skills and experience in court and compassion outside of it.
There Is No Lawyer More Eloquent Than the Heart
Sylvain Maréchal (1788)